
  • Methods that extend the native Javascript String class

    Here is the list of ‘default’ String global objects: Global_Objects/String

    Note that there are more String Extension Methods (they exist inside their main dependency: crypto, path, fs)


    twin methods: add

    @.append value

    String::append = (value)->
        @ + if value then value else ''
    String::add = String::append
  • @.after value

    String::after = (value)->
      if ((index = @.indexOf(    value)) == -1 )
        @.substr(index + value.size())
  • @.after_Last value

    String::after_Last = (value)->
      if ((index = @.lastIndexOf(value)) == -1 )
        @.substr(index + value.size())
  • @.before value

    String::before = (value)->
  • @.before_Last value

    String::before_Last = (value)->
  • @.contains value

    Checks that value is inside @.

    If value is an Array, then all elements are expected to be found inside @

    If value is an RegExp then checks if it matches @

    String::contains = (value)->
      if value instanceof RegExp
        regex = new RegExp(value)
        return regex.exec(@) isnt null
      if value instanceof Array
        for item in value
          if @.indexOf(item) is -1
            return false
        return true
      @.indexOf(value) > -1
  • @.ends_With value

    String::ends_With = (value)->
      if not value
        @.valueOf().slice(-value.length) is value
  • value

    Returns true if @ is equal to value

    String::is = (value)->
      @.valueOf() is value
  • @.is_Not value

    Returns true if @ is NOT equal to value

    twin methods: isnt

    String::is_Not = (value)->
      @.valueOf() isnt value
    String::isnt = String::is_Not
  • @.lines

    returns @ split by ‘/n’

    twin methods: split_Lines

    String::lines = ()->
    String::split_Lines = String::lines
  • @.lower

    returns @ in lowercase

    String::lower = ()->
  • @.not_Contains value

    String::not_Contains  = (value)->
      @.indexOf(value) == -1
  • @.only_Letters

    Returns a string where all chars that are not an letter (uppper or lower case) are replaced with a – (dash)

    The letters capitalization is not modified

    String::only_Letters =
      ()-> @.replace(/[^a-zA-Z]/gi, '-')
  • @.only_Numbers

    Returns a string where all chars that are not an number are replaced with a – (dash)

    String::only_Numbers = ()->
      @.replace(/[^0-9]/gi, '-').lower()
  • @.remove value

    Removes all instances of value

    Note: @.replace(value,'') doesn’t work because it only removes the first occurance

    String::remove = (value)->
      result = @
      while result.contains(value)
        result = result.replace(value,'')
  • @.repeat value

    Repeats @ value times

    Note: the implementation uses a while loop in order to handle ok cases when value is negative or weird

    String::repeat = (value)->
      result = ''
      if typeof(value) is 'number'
        while value > 0
          result += @
      return result
  • @.size

    String::size = ()->
  • @.starts_With value

    String::starts_With = (value)->
      if not value
        @.valueOf().slice(0,value.length) is value
  • @.to_Safe_String

    Returns a string where all chars that are dont match the regex are replaced with a – (dash)

    The current regex allows

    • lowercase letters
    • uppercase letters
    • numbers
    • the chars: , – _ (comma, dash and underscore)

    The letters capitalization is modified, with the returned string being converted into lowercase

    String::to_Safe_String = ()->
      @.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9.\-_]/gi, '-').lower()
  • @.trim

    String::trim = ()->
      @.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')
  • @.twice

    String::twice = ()->
      @ + @
  • @.upper

    String::upper = ()->
  • @.json_Parse

    returns the object representation of the the json string @

    Note: if there is a prob parsing the json an empty object will be returned (use json_Valid to check for well formed json)

    String::json_Parse = ()->
  • @.json_Valid

    Returns true if @ can be deserialised ok into a json object

    String::json_Valid = ()->
  • @.is_Local_Url

    Returns a boolean indicating if the URL is local to Host or not. It helps to prevent Open redirects attacks. Backported from

    String::is_Local_Url = ()->
      url = @.url_Decode()
      if(url? && url.length >0)
        return  (
                  (url[0] == '/' &&
                  (url.length == 1 ||(url[1] != '/' && url[1] != '\\'))) || # validates "/" or "/foo" but not "//" or "/\"
                  (url.length > 1 && url[0] == '~' && url[1] == '/')        # validates  "~/" or "~/foo"
        return false

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