
  • These Object prototypes have to be written using Object.defineProperty so that we can set the enumerable value to false (otherwise ‘for item of xyz’ would include these methods)

    todo: add check for already mapped methods. once that is done we should be able to add this method safely


    Returns the toString result of the @ object

    Object.defineProperty Object.prototype, 'str',
        enumerable  : false,
        writable    : true,
        value: ->
            return @.toString()
  • @.json_Str

    Returns the JSON.stringify of the @ object

    Note: Returns ‘’ if there is a error stringifying @

    Object.defineProperty Object.prototype, 'json_Str',
        enumerable  : false,
        writable    : true,
        value: ->
  • @.json_Pretty

    twin method: json_pretty (legacy)

    Object.defineProperty Object.prototype, 'json_Pretty',
        enumerable  : false,
        writable    : true,
        value: ->
              JSON.stringify(@,null,'  ')
    Object.defineProperty Object.prototype, 'json_pretty',enumerable  : false, writable    : true, value: Object::json_Pretty
  • json_Inspect

    Returns a json representation of @ (using require(‘util’).inspect which supports recursive objects)

    Note: Returns ‘’ if there is a error processing @

    twin method: json_inspect (legacy)

    Object.defineProperty Object.prototype, 'json_Inspect',
        enumerable  : false,
        writable    : true,
        value: ->
    Object.defineProperty Object.prototype, 'json_inspect',enumerable  : false, writable    : true, value: Object::json_Inspect
  • keys

    Object.defineProperty Object.prototype, 'keys',
        enumerable  : false,
        writable    : true,
        value: ->
            return (key for own key of @)
  • keys_All

    Object.defineProperty Object.prototype, 'keys_All',
        enumerable  : false,
        writable    : true,
        value: ->
            return (key for key of @)
  • values

    Object.defineProperty Object.prototype, 'values',
        enumerable  : false,
        writable    : true,
        value: ->
            return (@[key] for own key of @)
  • @.call_Function

    Object.defineProperty Object.prototype, 'call_Function',
        enumerable  : false,
        writable    : true,
        value: (method, params...)->
            callParams = [@]
            callParams.push param for param in params
            return method.apply(null,callParams)
  • @.load_Json target

    Note: returns {} if there is an error parsing @.file_Contents(). Use json_Valid to check for valid json content

    Object.defineProperty Object.prototype, 'load_Json',
        enumerable  : false,
        writable    : true,
        value: ()->
  • @.save_Json target

    Note: thows exception if there is a problem parsing json

    Object.defineProperty Object.prototype, 'save_Json',
        enumerable  : false,
        writable    : true,
        value: (target)->
            data = JSON.stringify(@,null,'  ')
            return data.saveAs(target)
  • repl_Me

    Object.defineProperty Object.prototype, 'repl_Me',
        enumerable  : false,
        writable    : true,
        value: (onExit)->
            repl = require('repl')
            replServer = repl.start {prompt: '[fluentnode] repl> '}
            replServer.context.that = @
            replServer.context.replServer = replServer
            replServer.on 'exit', ->

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